Funny Statuses

I would enjoy Superman so much more if he flapped his arms when he flew.
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I’ve often wondered what an atheist would do if stuck behind a car that wasn’t moving at a green light and had a bumper sticker on it that said “Honk if you love Jesus.”
Okay, I'll just say it. It's been bugging me for a while now, and I need to get it off my chest… it was me… I let the dogs out.
Lord Voldemort doesn't have friends. He has followers. That's why he is on Twitter and not Facebook.
A hundred years from now, people will wonder why so many photos of their ancestors involve the subject standing in the bathroom holding a thin rectangular device at shoulder level.
no, actually having a cat is not “just like” having a kid. accidentally swearing at your cat won’t make it grow up to be a stripper.
What is the purpose of the "poke" function? I click it, which sends the 'poke' back to the sender and then they just end up sending the 'poke' back to me. Is this like virtual sex...because I'll start poking people like it's going out of style and claim supremacy over all of my FB family. I'll virtual sex all over this damn place.
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