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UZI 9mm
This whole DOGE thing is getting out of hand, my wife just sent me an email asking me to list 5 things I’ve done around the house by midnight tonight.
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Not saying I’m old, but… When I was in school, we made our parents ashtrays for Christmas
Is it just me or do you think there's something terribly wrong with YouTube playing a 30 second commercial from their sponsor before watching a How to operate a fire extinguisher during an emergency video?
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I'm bored. I think I'll go to WalMart, find a great parking spot and sit in the truck with my reverse lights on for awhile.
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O.J Simpson can now rest easy knowing his ex-wife's killer is dead.
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I’m getting stronger with age. I can now lift $100 worth of groceries with one hand
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I keep saying Alexa when I mean to say Siri and I just cant believe that I live in a time where i am getting my servant robots' names mixed up.
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