Funny Status Ideas

People think I’m good at keeping secrets but the truth is I’m just bad at paying attention to what you told me.
You make me a better person of interest.
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I wonder what the part of my brain, that used to store telephone numbers, is doing nowadays.
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Kristian Alekov
Back in my day we had so much toilet paper and eggs that we would throw them at the houses of our enemies.
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Kristian Alekov
Egg prices are so crazy right now, I ordered an omelette for brunch and 7 girls brought it out with a sparkler.
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Kristian Alekov
Security at every level of the airport is insane until you get to baggage claim. Then it’s like take whatever bag you want.
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I’m giving up eating chocolate for a month. Sorry bad punctuation. I’m giving up. Eating chocolate for a month.
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