Funny Status Ideas

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If anyone tells you, you have ADHD. Pay no attention.
I don’t understand how people have to “get ready for bed." I’m always ready for bed.
I want to get a bumper sticker that says "Honk if you think I am doing an excellent job driving." Then cut people off so they won't know what to do.
Menstruation is like organizing a party without inviting any guests, then angrily throwing out all the decorations when no one shows up.
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Kudos to the guy at Starbucks that said his name was "Bueller" and left before his coffee was done, leaving the barista calling him over and over
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I suspects that whoever named that Icelandic volcano (Eyjafjallajokull) must have fallen asleep on their keyboard while thinking it up.
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A real modern miracle would be for Jesus to turn water into reasonable priced gasoline.
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