Insightful Statuses

LD Welsh leader says she “regret[s] that some of those typos have managed to sneak…through” << just some? Which typos is she happy with?
I can do this no sex thing forever if I have to
Friend texted me and asked “what does IDK stand for?” I said “I dont know” she replied “OMG! nobody does!”
Every time a sexy woman jumps out of a giant cake there is at least one guy who is bummed about the cake being ruined.
Regardless of ones effort; a major percentage of ones aquintances bears little concern of the bird being the word. Thus one must strive towards greater efforts towards spreading news of forementioned avian variety being the article one has mentioned before in pursuit of spreading mass-awareness of the very mentioned bird. Which just o happens to be the word.
Dear Children, When you look under your bed, what exactly are you planning to do when you find me? Sincerely, The Monster.
The first messenger to say Don't kill the messenger definitely got killed in the face
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