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At one point in my childhood, I actually paid money for pieces of cardboard with pictures of pokemon on them. Now I spend money on stuff for my girlfriend that's not even mine. Anybody know where I can still buy those pokemon cards?
I work out every morning, and when I'm done I delete my browsing history
I don't understand why cars honk at me when the red hand is obviously telling to stop.
Popsicle sticks: $1. caramel: $3. onion: $4. watching your friends bite into a caramel onion thinking its an apple: priceless.
I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me!
When are they going to air the commercial where the recipient of a car in a giant ribbon says, "A LEXUS! We can’t afford this, you idiot!"?
Male bats have the highest rate of homosexuality then any other mammal. Well, that explains Edward...
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