Insightful Statuses

Top Ramen makes me very concerned for anyone who experienced the ramens it beat out.
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So @NASA has found Tatooine; I wish they would find the planet that Jar Jar Binks is from so I can delete it from my sat nav.
They say you that you can't overdose on marijuana but in the bible Stephen got stoned to death...
I didn't get my period this month or any month prior to that. If I'm pregnant my parents will flip. Also science, science will also flip.
The Trojans learned the hard way that you actually should look a gift horse in the mouth.
Wtf? The neighbor came knocking at my door at 2:30 in the morning. Luckily for him I was still up playing drums.
I don't think gastroenterologists should go around using the phrase "tongue in cheek."
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