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I don't understand my kids...I bought them their own computer and internet access. And yet they spend free time outside. DNA testing soon.
The great thing about having an American boyfriend is every time I make a spelling mistake I just tell him it's 'British English.'
The only other thing more popular than Facebook's "Like" button is MySpace's "Delete Account" button.
I leave the subject line blank on my e-mails because I know I can’t stay on topic.
I don't do a lot of good deeds, but when I walk past a well, I always stop and make sure there's not a kid stuck down there.
I like to leave piles of sawdust on playgrounds with a note that just says "Pinocchio."
If you can read this, thank a teacher! If you can do busy work for an hour or watch a weird, unrelated video, thank a substitute teacher!
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