Funny Statuses

My boyfriend's parents heard me say creepy shit about our relationship this morning on their way to the airport. #singlesoonimsure
Boy I try to catch myself but I'm #outofcontrol your sexiness is is so appealing, I can't let it go!! #knowles
When you know how to spell, you don't look like an idiot. See? I'll show you. D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y Try it!!!!!!
"Let them discover the kind of doctors that their system will now produce. Let them discover, in their operating rooms and hospital wards, that it is not safe to place their lives in the hands of a man whose life they have throttled. It is not safe, if he is the sort of man who resents it—and still less safe, if he is the sort who doesn't." | S3C1 Atlas Shrugged
#sometimesyouhaveto knock a bitch outtt! It's the only solution to lifes problems.
Call me crazy, but I'd rather not spend $5 a day at Starbucks, and instead use that money to buy nice bottles of #wine every month...
I can do all things in him who strengthens me. -Phil 4:13
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