Funny Statuses

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The Rock announced that he and his wife and 2 daughters have recovered from COVID-19. They first suspected they had it when no one could smell what The Rock was cooking
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2020 is what happens when you mix your Tarot deck with Cards Against Humanity
Why should I trust the toothpaste recommended by 4 out of 5 dentists when they're the ones who make money fixing people's teeth?
Children are the greatest gift of all, but punch some holes in the box so they can breathe.
Here are 5 things you should know about me: #1. I’m very secretive
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I never understood why the Lions and Cowboys always get to play on Thanksgiving. Shouldn’t the Patriots play the Redskins, and then steal their stadium?
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It must be extremely hard to be a Nigerian lawyer who specializes in international inheritance law.
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