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Pet stores should post "Chameleon" on empty reptile cages just to see how long people would stand and look.
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Picked up a hitchhiker last night. He said thanks how do you know I’m not a serial killer? I replied the chances of two serial killer’s being in the same car are astronomical.
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When quarantine is over, let’s not tell some people.
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I need to social distance myself from the refrigerator so I can flatten my curve.
The way America is handling the Coronavirus, I'm surprised Mexico hasn't paid to finish the wall yet.
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Kristian Alekov
If you get a loan at the bank you’ll be paying it back for 30 years. If you rob a bank it’ll be 10 years. Follow me for more financial advice.
Regardless of ones effort; a major percentage of ones aquintances bears little concern of the bird being the word. Thus one must strive towards greater efforts towards spreading news of forementioned avian variety being the article one has mentioned before in pursuit of spreading mass-awareness of the very mentioned bird. Which just o happens to be the word.
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