Funny Statuses

I got called pretty today! Well actually the full statement was "you're pretty annoying!" But I only focus on positive things
Why do guys go to bars to meet women? Go to Target. There's like 10 women to each man and they're already there looking for things they don't need.
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I’m staring a petition for Barbara Walters to do the Ball Drop next New Year just to hear her say “ I’m Barbara Walters, and this is 2020”
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‪Cable guy was on my street and asked me what time it was. I told him it was between 8 am and 1 pm‬
The spread of the coronavirus is based on two factors. 1) How dense the population is. 2) How dense the population is.
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‪I’m gonna ask my mom if that offer to slap me into the next year still on the table. ‬
Survey: how many of u Guys have had a Zipper to Genital accident in your lifetime.
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