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Austin Mulka
No matter how big or bad you are, when a two year hands you a toy phone, you answer it.
All Asians look the same. They look using their eyes, you racist jerk.
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I don't have a Twitter account, so I just carry around a megaphone to announce what I'm doing at random times. So far I've got 3 followers - but I think 2 of them are cops.
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To make it stand, you wet it. To make it wet, you suck it. To make it stiff, you lick it. To get it in, you push it. Threading a needle isn't easy.
If I don't clean my house soon, someone is going to bring in blindfolded people for a Febreeze commercial.
If you watch an Apple store get robbed, are you an iWitness?
I wish mosquitoes sucked fat and not blood.
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