Insightful Statuses

Dear college students, Sorry about your GPA. - Netflix
Men are like dogs. We're excited to see you, and we have no idea what you're mad about.
Two years ago I became a proud parent. My kid is 6, but they were kind of a pain those first four years.
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Everyone keeps telling me to never succumb to peer pressure. So I'm going to take their advice and not listen to them.
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Some days you're the Titanic, some days you're the iceberg, and some days you're the guy who jumped off and hit a propeller on the way down....
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If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it.... then how bad of a decision can it really be?
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I have an inferiority complex about my superiority complex. I know I'm better than you, but I feel really horrible about myself for letting you know...
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