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Did she just say her name is Lasagna?
Wonders skinny people go skinny dipping so does that mean fat people go chunky dunking ? I love u Travis…
I find it hilarious and sad that the Walgreens near my house keeps thier socks and underwear in a locked case. Hilarious bacause people need to ask to buy underwear and sad cause that many people needed to steal underwear.
My Pizza Lunchables won’t fit in the fridge because of all your alcohol. One of our addictions has to give.
This is part your fault too. Don’t tell me your dishes are unbreakable and not expect me to prove you wrong.
She told me she eats fruit when she’s hungover because it has more water than water.
Survey: how many of u Guys have had a Zipper to Genital accident in your lifetime.
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