Insightful Statuses

Coffee helps me do the stupid stuff people make me do all day and beer helps me forget the stupid stuff people made me do all day.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is the most whimsical film about the systematic murder of children that I have ever seen.
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Rec Rellim
If the world doesn't end on December 21, 2012, I have a feeling there will be a lot of babies born on September 20, 2013
Do mimes observe a moment of talking when someone passes away?
Facebook is no longer a social networking site. It's a continuous puzzle to find out how to use a social networking site
If the world can't even agree on which side of the street to drive on world peace is pretty much out of the question.
You know a song's about to go downhill lyrically when they start counting for no apparent reason.
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