Insightful Statuses

The job interviews for marketing at mobile phone vendors must be fun. "How many beers does it take before you begin to have trouble keeping track of items on the counter or table?"
I hope someone will document at least one girl's evolution from "Toddlers & Tiaras" to "Teen Mom" to "Intervention" to "Hoarders."
Women with dreadlocks are my best chance to ever get married due to their obvious long-term commitment to awful decisions.
Sci-fi fans who use Star Wars references for real life situations are single virgins because they're looking for love in Alderaan places.
"MON MON MON!" - rastafarian cookie monster.
Truthfully, women carry Kleenex so just in case we run into Quentin Tarantino we can make him blow his nose and stop talking like that.
I wouldn't be a bum for long because I'd have clever phrases on my cardboard signs like: "WILL NOT WORK FOR FOODIES" or "I'M KIND OF A BEG DEAL"
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