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Forget Bert and Ernie, it was Fred and Barney that had a gay old time.
I think I'm going to learn how to play ukulele because I'm not nearly annoying enough.
I had to poop, but I was in the shower. All of the sudden I needed to fart really bad. I thought to myself sneak the fart out around the poop. Attempted previous thought. Turns out you can't get the black powder out of a gun without firing the bullet :(
"We'll just agree to disagree" translates directly to "You couldn't be more freaking wrong but I'm over this argument."
You cannot fix anything by worrying and knowing this concerns me.
If the world can't even agree on which side of the street to drive on world peace is pretty much out of the question.
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soon enough facebook will be like inception... a feed within a feed within a feed
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