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I'm glad McDonald's doesn't sell hotdogs. I'd feel really awkward ordering a McWeiner, and don't even get me started on Super Size.
Asked a friend for a newspaper. He told me to get with the times, and handed me his iPad. That fly never saw it coming!
I hate when one of your tweets in which you made a horrible, inexcusable typo are retweeted. Now everyone knows what an illiterate ass I am.
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The sign in the restroom said "Employees Must Wash Hands". I waited for 10 minutes and no employee came in, so I washed my hands myself and went on back to the table.
If a zombie apocalypse were to happen in Vegas... would it stay in Vegas?
The Hangover Part 3? Seriously, how many hangovers do these guys need to have before they realize that they need to stop inviting Alan to parties??
Cleavage is like the sun. You can look, but it's dangerous to stare.
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