Funny Statuses

I'm starting group meetings at my house for people who have OCD, not because I have it, but surely one of them will be bothered enough to clean it.
On 12/21/12 people will be making rapture jokes like there's no tomorrow...
Dear j.k. Rowling, You books are unrealistic. I mean seriously, a ginger with 2 friends?!! :)
Twitter is basically just you having a conversation with yourself hoping that someone else will join in
I've been in love with the same woman for forty-one years. If my wife finds out, she'll kill me.
Hmm… I wonder how people would react if I walked into SEA WORLD with a fishing pole?
It's nice that my vacuum has a headlight just in case I want to clean in the dark or wake my dog up thinking he's getting hit by a train.
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