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When I was 17 I thought my parents were the stupidest people in the world. At 21 I was amazed at how much they had learned in 4 years.
WebMD is the perfect website if you want to find out you have 14 different types of cancer and possibly other deadly diseases.
Why do doctors give medicine to fix one thing which could cause 10 other issues and one of those issues happens to be death?
Are Sumo wrestlers athletes? Asking for my "Athletic Body" type selection on my internet dating profile page.
That awkward moment when you realize, that adding "that awkward moment when you realize" before a random statement doesn't make you seem any more clever, witty, or profound.
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I used to be a kleptomaniac but now I take something for it.
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My ex-girlfriend was like a dwarf star. Extremely hot but not very bright.
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