Funny Statuses

School taught me a lot of stuff, but the most useful was how to get ready in 15 minutes
I'm going to propose with a mood ring so I can easily see a measurement of how excited she really is.
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Remember the good old days when LOL meant "Laugh out loud" and not "I can't think of a good reply"?
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I hate when I'm in a hurry at the bank and I get a really chatty teller. "What kind of gun is that?" "How many bullets does it hold?"
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Whenever someone spells something wrong, I always look to see if the two letters are close on the keyboard.
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1) Go to Starbucks 2) Order coffee 3) Tell them your name is Waldo 4) Leave
I think I'll tell my kids that the Titanic sunk because Jack and Rose had sex before marriage
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