Funny Statuses

If Batman and Robin were indeed "special friends", would that classify him as a Fruitbat?
Tomorrow I'm calling a guy who interviewed me 5 years ago asking where I saw myself in 5 years to let him know that I was wrong.
You know something I find funny? Paintings of Adam and Eve with belly buttons. Think about it.
The hardest job in the world must be working in a bubble wrap factory. Can you imagine the self control that is required?
I hate meeting new people, they're all like crying and covered in placenta and stuff.
The only reason I have sunglasses is so that I can put them on after I say something awesome.
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Rec Rellim
If the world doesn't end on December 21, 2012, I have a feeling there will be a lot of babies born on September 20, 2013
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